CAR’s Errol Morris

While Jenna was here, she befriended some of the deaf people around Bangui and we sort of stumbled into making a short video of the situation for the deaf in CAR. I put up something up on it a while ago, but here’s the grande oeuvre (or a draft of it, anyway).

It still needs some work, but it’s almost there. When it’s finished we’ll put it up on the official blog, but here’s the latest version . . . Let us know what you think!

Oh — and some have already mentioned problems seeing the captions: I’m working on making them larger, but it’s a long process.

Further, if you’re seeing the player controls over the movie, simple keeping your mouse off of the movie will make the controls disappear.

3 Responses to “CAR’s Errol Morris”

  1. Jenna says:

    I just typed two pages of comments for you,and I can’t seem to email them. The Internet in Greenville is even less reliable than that in Bangui. Keep your eye out for some feedback…

  2. Kari says:

    This is really great piece. I can’t wait to see the finished product. good work!

  3. slijleong says:

    This is really terrific stuff. I’m sure these kids are an underclass unto themselves in CAR but they figured out how to be resourceful and self-sufficient. And what amazing teachers! (I think my wife worked for a place like that, but she only wasn’t paid for 4 months – but will be in November as a result of a class action suit). It’s terrible when you love what you do, but can’t survive doing it, almost literally for these folks. You guys should shop this to PBS, NPR or even Oprah – I’m sure some assistance will flow their way the more people see this.